At present, Camodo Gaming has 338,561,921 views spread across 743 videos for Brick Rigs, with the game making up over 10 days of published video on his channel. There are a changing day and night cycle in the game while lightning conditions are simulated dynamically.

This is 18.98 of the total watchable video for Brick Rigs on Camodo Gaming's YouTube channel. Hi, my new brick rigs video: moving lego zombies. The game is set on different places of the world while some locations are fictional. The zombie army is moving and walking straight into the pit, fall off a bridge, into shredding pit, into th.

If there is rain happening than the wipers will function automatically.Īs the Brick Rigs progresses more and more much of the game content will be unlocked for you. The multiplayer mode of the game allows you to enjoy the game with your friends. It allows you to race with other players, organize demolition derby or battle each other in a dog fight.